
Focus Meditation

It's the present that matters! Created by Dr.Shyam Bhat, this meditation series will help you bring your attention to the present moment by improving focus and concentration.
Effortless Focus
7 sessions
Sounds of the singing bowl to help focus
Focus Sharper
7 sessions
Practice of breath awareness
Laser Focus
7 sessions
Alternate nostril breath awareness
Decrease Distraction
7 sessions
Sounds of chime and breath awareness
What is focus?
Focus, or the ability to concentrate clearly and with an objective on the things that we are doing right now i.e. anything that needs our attention.
What is focus meditation?
Meditation for focus and concentration, much like mindfulness , helps you stay in the present moment and reduce the mind’s incessant chatter using your five senses or even your breathing.
What causes lack of focus?
Given the chaotic times that we live in, the overload of information and other reasons brings with a flurry of emotions and lack of focus: Medical reasons: Sleep disorder Traumatic brain injury Chronic illnesses Cognitive reasons: Dementia Learning disabilities Bipolar disorder Emotional trauma and stress
What are the symptoms of a lack of focus?
The indicators of an inability to focus include: Difficulty in sitting still Inability to make decisions Losing things frequently Memory loss
Who should perform focus meditation?
Meditation for focus and concentration should be done by: Students who have trouble concentrating on studies. People who feel stressed. Those who want to sleep better and be more productive.
How can meditation be effective for focus?
Meditation, a technique that goes back to almost 5000 BC, is one of the most effective ways to induce focus. This is how with the meditation, focus is achieved: Meditation for peace of mind, happiness, and focus can change your brain by producing mood-regulatory neurotransmitters. Guided meditation for focus helps you in emptying your mind of wandering thoughts by teaching you how to concentrate on the ‘now’. Meditation, focus reduces stress and anxiety. With regular meditation, focus you can reduce emotional distress, and become more productive.
What is the list of meditation activities to improve focus?
Here is a step-by-step explanation of some of the most effective meditation activities: Breath focus meditation: Amongst the most calming techniques to improve your focus, breath focus meditation is a great stress relief meditation for beginners. Sit relaxed and inhale through your nose to a count of four. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Exhale through your mouth for around eight seconds. Repetitions: 3-4 times for 2-3 times/day. Visualization: For this technique of meditation to increase focus, sit in a comfortable position, and imagine yourself in a peaceful place. Use all your senses like to imagine feeling the sun’s warmth, hearing the ocean waves, etc. Repetitions: 5-7 minutes for 2-3 times/day. Open focus meditation This is one of the most effective techniques of guided meditation for focus. Set an object as your meditation point of focus i.e. a small object like a lamp, a chair, etc. Study your meditation focus point in detail and close your eyes. Try to recall every detail of your meditation point of focus. Repeat with a different meditation focus point the next time. Repetitions: 4-5 minutes 2 times/day
What are the health benefits of having focus?
A stable state of mind, through meditation focus, has these health advantages: Better sleep patterns. Reduced risk of stroke, dementia, seizures, and psychiatric conditions. Improved functioning of the gastrointestinal system.
What are the disadvantages of losing focus?
Here are some issues that occur due to a lack of focus in everyday life: Confused and muddled state of mind. Non-productivity at work. Gastrointestinal problems. Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Neurological decline.
What are the dos and don’ts of focus meditation?
Here are some tips for meditation focus: Dos: Start meditation and focus with short sessions. You can combine it with morning yoga to gain maximum focus. Always choose a meditation focus point to train yourself. Don’ts: Don’t expect quick results in a short time. It takes time to build a meditation focus. Don’t try meditation focus in a space that’s unclean or full of distractions. Don’t try meditation focus without guidance as it may leave you exhausted and irritated.