
Meditation - Intermediate

Created by Dr.Shyam Bhat, these meditations are your next step  after the foundation series! Learn to handle distractions and mind wandering, and discover the power of  “metacognition”.
Intermediate Series - 1
7 sessions
Deeper mindfulness with less guidance
Intermediate Series - 2
7 sessions
Focus on the wandering mind
Intermediate Series - 3
7 sessions
Focus on thoughts and feelings
Intermediate Series - 4
7 sessions
Deeper experience of metacognition
Meditation - Intermediate
Meditation is the minute of stability of our minds. The meditation practice is emptying the mind. When the mind is quiet, fully empty, it is ideal meditation. Meditation is commonly prescribed as a health-enhancing practise — and for good cause. It has many beneficial effects, from reducing signs of depression to mitigating physical complaints such as headaches and also improving immunity to illness. Meditation is a vibrant, optimistic activity through which we strive to silence our mind so that the limitless, ideal light of liberation will pass through us. Meditation has several forms and techniques, and this meditation Hindi guide designed by Dr.Shyam Bhat makes you learn how to manage disturbances and roaming thoughts, and explore the strength of "metacognition."
Features of Meditation
Meditation is defined in two types and that is concentrative and non-concentration methods. Concentrative methods is a high-level meditation as it includes concentrating on a single object that is usually outside of oneself, such as the flame of a candle, the tone of an instrument, or a mantra. Non-concentrative meditation is a next-level meditation that has a wider emphasis, such as sounds in the surroundings, internal body states, and even your own breathing. Both of the meditation techniques can overlap as meditation may be both intense and non-concentrative. Intermediate meditation is one level higher and intense than the meditation for beginners. Series one starts with the fundamentals of meditation to control the emotions. There are 7 sessions of 11 minutes each, through which you can learn about communicating with yourself on a deeper level and knowing how you see life and eventually transforming your life. Series two will drive you deeper into meditation and a peaceful mind. This makes you start by sitting comfortably in the meditation pose and taking a few deep breaths which helps you to relax on every breath you take. Series three will make you exercise more and the more you exercise, the more you learn things about your mind's relaxed meditation and you know about yourself. Series four will make you learn how to relax your mind and become a practitioner of meditation by perseverance and daily practise.
This intermediate meditation technique focuses on the next step of basic fundamental meditation. Each session deals with only one technique, and this intermediate level makes you become excellent for training individuals for more complex meditation activities such as meditation sleep or meditation for relaxing. This kit will help you get into the habit of everyday meditation and provide you with a variety of basic methods that you can use at any time and place, depending on your convenience. All sessions are fully beginner-friendly and a basic meditation experience is needed.
This intermediate meditation pack offers many benefits and those are:- Concentration Meditation - Meditation finds a connection between processing new information and mindfulness. The brain becomes responsible for learning, memory and emotions control. Meditation will improve focus and decision making. Improve self-awareness and self-esteem - Meditation helps you to calm down, makes meaningful and deeper reflection allow yourself to find positive attributes. Reduce Tension - Meditation reduces cortisol levels and the stress hormone. It helps in making a person calm and focused on positive thoughts. Reduce anxiety or depression - Meditation helps in training the mind to concentrate on the present, making you less likely to ruminate on anxious feelings that could fuel depression. It helps to relax the mind with anxiety and reduce depressive symptoms including sleep difficulties, lack of appetite, and low energy. Fight Addiction - Meditation can change the brain receptors associated with drug and alcohol abuse, which may minimise the cravings for these drugs. In comparison, mindfulness meditation will increase the understanding of the cravings and make it easier for you to control them.
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