Reverse Table Top: This yoga pose for flexibility is suitable to strengthen the lower back and arms. It is also known as the half reverse plank, and it is the best
yoga for beginners. This is done by sitting in a staff pose. The hands are placed beside the pelvis with the palms facing forwards. The legs are then extended in front with the knees bent. The thigh muscles are tightened to hold the pose for a long time. The person must drop the head back, and he/she should maintain this posture for a minute. This yoga pose for flexibility should be refrained from doing if the person has any shoulder, knee, ankle, or wrist injuries.
Half Forward Bend: This is the best yoga for spine flexibility. This is done by standing and reaching the hands past the head. The fingers are spread and palms facing each other. The body is bent forward, and the pose is held 30 seconds and 5 breaths. This yoga pose for flexibility activates the core and quadriceps.
Eagle Pose: This yoga for strength is done by placing the left arm under the right arm by placing the right hand forward. The right leg is wrapped, and the right leg's toes are locked around the calves of the left leg. The fingers are all pointed up, and then the knees are bent into a slight squat. This yoga pose for flexibility is held for 5 breaths and 30 seconds and activates the psoas muscles. It also stabilizes the pelvis.
Eye of a Needle Pose: These are the best yoga asanas for flexibility that eases the tension off the glutes, hips, and back. It is the remedy to treat knee injuries, and it is done by lying on the back with the knees pointing towards the ceiling. The right foot is lifted off the floor and placed on the left thing away from the knees. The left hand is placed outside the thigh; the right hand is placed through the space between the right and left thighs. Then, pulling the left thigh close to the chest, the position is held for 5 breaths for 30 seconds. This is the best yoga for flexible body.
Dancer's Pose: This is yoga for back flexibility. It is done by bending the right leg at the knees and the right foot pointing to the backside. The right hand is held backwards to hold the right foot. This is the best yoga for flexible body as the body is made to lean forward, and the left hand is stretched along with the elbow straight, and the fingers spread wide open. A person should hold this for 30 seconds and 5 breaths.
Marichi Pose: This yoga pose for flexibility is done by first sitting on the ground with the feet extended in front. The right knee is then bent to point upwards with both legs apart. The toes of the left leg are pointed towards the face by leaning forward. The right hand is wrapped around the right shin, and the left hand is reached to the back. This position is held for 5 breaths for 30 seconds. Then the sides are switched and repeated. This strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, back, and calves.
Extended Side Angle: This yoga pose for flexibility is done by stepping the right leg back and bending the left leg to a ninety-degree angle at the knee. The left hand is placed on the ground. The right hand is reached outside past the head with the fingers spread. Then this position is held for 30 seconds for 5 breaths. This promotes flexibility for both sides of the body.
Airplane Pose: This yoga pose for flexibility helps stretch the inner thighs, calves, back, glutes, shoulder, chest, and hamstrings. This is done by lifting the right leg off the ground and lifting it back by leaning forward. The hands are extended backwards so that the fingertips are spread and are pointing towards the feet. This yoga pose for flexibility is held for 5 breaths for 30 seconds, and then the sides are switched.