
Yoga for Flexibility (English)

Yoga for Flexibility (English)

04 Sessions
Sessions in this pack

Upper Body Flexibility

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30 Min

Uttana Shishosana (puppy pose), Trikonasana (triangle pose), Ardha Dhanurasana + Dhanurasana, Gomukhasana


Lower Body Flexibility

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30 Min


Full Body Flexibility

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33 Min


Spinal Flexibility

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34 Min

Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog), Parighasana (gate pose), Matsyasana (fish pose)

About this pack

The yoga poses you will practice in this pack will help you lengthen and stretch your muscles throughout the body in a safe and effective way. Do these sessions regularly to see improvements.


Improving mobility and flexibility of the Entire Body


Improving endurance

What to expect from Yoga for Flexibility (English)?
In these sessions, our yoga instructor will teach you the best yoga poses to increase flexibility. Also, these exercises also increase your endurance if you practise them on a regular basis.
Health benefits:
These stretching exercises not only increase your flexibility and your body’s range of motion but also enhance your endurance and strengthen your lower body.
Stay consistent:
To ensure that you progress effectively and efficiently with your workout sessions, we recommend that you do not skip any of them.
Don’t overdo it:
While these sessions are designed for everyone, you need to make sure that you listen not only to the instructions of our fitness coach but also to your body and not overdo your workouts. Don’t worry if you haven’t been exercising regularly, as these best yoga poses to increase flexibility in this workout pack work perfectly for everyone irrespective of your fitness level. Although each yoga posture is explained in detail, you can always pause the video and take a look at them again if you find it hard to follow. However, we do recommend that you consult your doctor if you suffer from any medical conditions just to be absolutely safe. If you’re ready, let’s tune into our first session from this workout pack now.
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