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Best Yoga Classes in Aayana HSR Bangalore
Yoga is the most popular practice to stay fit both mentally and physically. It comprises a group of disciplines to enhance the physical, mental and spiritual health of an individual. The Aayana yoga center in Bangalore has various therapies and psychiatry sessions with online consultations. All of them are too good and help to treat stress, anxiety and sleep. The professionals here also take care of all the safety protocols encouraged by the government with the utmost care to keep the population safe from COVID.
What are the Facilities/Amenities available at Aayana HSR Bangalore?
The various amenities that are available at the Aayana yoga centre are: The Online Yoga Classes in the Aayana branch have trained professionals here to focus on results and track progress with regular assessments. They keep following up with excellent database facilities. An online and face to face classes are organized to provide access to all the folks. This is very helpful to be accessible to all the people present globally.
What Types of Yoga are taught at Mind.fit Aayana HSR Bangalore?
The types of yoga that are taught at Mind.fit Aayana yoga HSR are: Yoga Nidra Pranayama Yoga asanas Surya Namaskar Yoga Yoga for stress relief Yoga to improve concentration Yoga for mindfulness Yoga for personal growth Yoga to boost confidence Yoga to control anxiety Kids Yoga
What are the timings for Yoga Classes in Aayana HSR Bangalore?
The yoga classes in Aayana yoga centre HSR layout have timings, and they are: Morning 6:00 AM Evening 10:00 PM
Fees and Contact details for Yoga Classes in Aayana HSR Bangalore
The fee details of the Aayana yoga centre HSR layout Bangalore is given below: Sessions Price Discounted Price 4 Sessions Rs. 6,000 Rs. 3,290 8 Sessions Rs. 12,000 Rs. 5,790 12 Sessions Rs. 18,000 Rs. 8,490 The contact details for this branch at Aayana yoga centre are: Email [email protected] Address 4th Floor, 2731, 16th Cross, 27th Main Rd, 1st Sector, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102
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