Pumpkin curry recipes are one of the most trending dishes in Indian households. With exquisite tamarind flavoured curry along with squashy pumpkins, this pumpkin curry recipe is worth your time. Whether it's young and growing kids or your friends, a meal that includes this dish would satisfy everybody. The flavours of the dish are so mesmerising that there will be no fuss about eating “kaddus”. "K ... addu" or pumpkin as it is traditionally known is used in a number of north Indian delicacies. This curry is a dish which is made around the time of festivities and when certain other rituals are practised in India. The sweet and tangy flavour of the curry is what makes it so unique and yet delicious. The curry is immersed in a flavour bath. The red chillies balance out the other fragrant condiments used in the curry. The spluttering condiments in oil, known as "tadka", add to the intense flavours. This Indian pumpkin curry is also used during the “navratri” or “ekadashi” fasting periods by Indians. This delectable dish is so popular in Benaras that it is also sold as a street food item across the city. You can tinker around with these pumpkin recipes to suit your preferences and tastes. There are many variants to this recipe and some add mangoes while others assimilate potatoes in the recipe. This changes the texture of the curry altogether and you can eat it with rice as well as any kind of bread
Refined Oil
2 teaspoons
1 teaspoon
Turmeric Powder
0.5 teaspoons
1 teaspoon
Fennel Seeds
1 teaspoon
Red Chilli Powder
1 teaspoon
Pumpkin Red
2 cups
0.5 teaspoons
Curry Leaves
10 g
1 unit
Green Chillies
2 units
50 ml
Coriander Leaves
6 g