If you are looking for a Mexican Bean Soup recipe, there are many to go around. But most of them involve many or a few ingredients that may be hard to find. Our Mexican Bean Soup recipe is very simple. The Mexican Bean Soup ingredients are easy to find, so there will be no need to try to substitute any of them. These are ingredients that every home cook who loves experimenting should already have ... in the kitchen pantry. You can prepare Mexican Bean Soup at home and have your entire family enjoy it. Age does not matter. Not all children are fond of eating beans. This recipe will fix all that. There are very few additional spices other than the ingredients themselves, so it is also a great soup to give to your little ones. As the consistency is more liquid, it is easy to drink and it is very healthy. So, how to make Mexican Bean Soup? It is really simple once you get down to it. While the written recipe is easy to follow, we do have a Mexican Bean Soup video that you can take a look at to get a better idea of how the soup is made. The flavours in the soup are a mix between the exotic and the familiar, so you should definitely put this recipe down in your home cook book. Once your family tastes this, it will become your go-to soup. Great to have during rainy weather with a bit of garlic bread on the side, or even during a chilly winter’s night. You cannot go wrong with this bowl full of comfort.
Kashmiri Rajma
2 tablespoons
0.75 teaspoons
Refined Oil
0.5 teaspoons
0.5 teaspoons
Aromat Powder
1 pinch
Paprika Powder
1 pinch
Tobasco Sauce
0.25 teaspoons
1 large piece
1 large piece
0.25 cups
0.5 unit
Spring Onion
1.5 units
2.75 glasses
Green Cabbage
1 leaf
1 pinch