
How to boil an egg

Time25 Min

Every so often, you come across an ingredient that can be used in many different ways. The everyday boiled egg is one of them. Boiled eggs are one of the most common edibles to grace the dining table in almost every country, but not in the same way. Most of us already know some of the ways you can put this healthy ingredient to use in your day to day meals. Top up your biryani with boiled eggs, o ... r add them to your bowl of ramen. Both ways are traditional and show exactly how loved this ingredient is all over the world. You can have your boiled eggs hard, where they get cooked right through to the yolk, while others prefer their eggs soft boiled, where the whites are boiled well and the yolks are runny and soft. Another exciting way to use your boiled eggs is to make Devilled Eggs. Any way you choose, they are delicious and healthy. In East Asian cuisine, boiled eggs can be marinated in soy sauce before being used as a topping, but the eggs can also be used without marination. Lamprais, a Sri Lankan recipe, uses boiled eggs as an ingredient. Here the boiled eggs need to be deep-fried before they are baked. Torta Pasqualina, an Italian savoury pie that calls for eggs to be boiled before they are added to the pie. You can even simply chop up your eggs, add seasoning and mayonnaise if you are in the mood for a simple egg salad. One of the most delicious out of the egg recipes is Egg Curry, where boiled eggs are used as the star of a curry dish.



Raw Egg

Raw Egg

6 pieces



1000 ml

Place the eggs in a large saucepan and cover with water (upto an inch above the eggs).
Bring water to a vigorous boil (keep it boiling for a min). Remove off the flame or switch off flame and cover the vessel with a lid. set the timer. For soft boiled eggs - remove eggs after 5 min. For medium boiled egg - remove egg after 6 min / 8min. For hard boiled egg - remove egg after 10 to 12min.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer them to a large bowl of cold water. Let it be in water for 10 min to stop the cooking.
Peel and serve the eggs as desired.
Health Benefits of Boiled Eggs
● Hard-boiled eggs' calories can range from around 72 to 80 calories. ● Hard-boiled eggs are said to help in stabilizing the levels of blood cholesterol. This is because they provide what are known as good fats, which are MUFAs (monounsaturated fats) and PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats). ● They are high in protein, which is needed to build mass in the muscles. This is also said to be helpful in repairing body tissues. ● As one of the vitamins found in boiled eggs is vitamin A, they are also said to help in maintaining eye health. ● Another vitamin found in hard-boiled eggs is vitamin D. This is said to be very important when it comes to helping the absorption of Calcium by the body. While the technique is easy, learning to boil eggs exactly right takes practice. It is, however, a skill worth developing.


We hope you had fun making it! Enjoy the meal.

Some Tips on How to Make Boiled Eggs
Some people find it very hard to learn how to boil an egg. They often over-cook the eggs, which leads to the formation of a dark green coloured ring around the egg yolk and a little sulphuric taste. But that shouldn’t be the case once you know how much time to boil eggs. Here are some tips to make the perfect boiled eggs. If you know you are going to make any dish with eggs, buy them in advance. For cooking, fresh eggs usually yield better results. But for boiling, older eggs are good as it is easier to peel an older boil egg than a fresh boil egg. Make a gap of a few days between buying the eggs and boiling them. You can put them in the refrigerator for a few days after you buy them. When using raw eggs for hard boiling, always store them upside down. This step will make the yolk land in the centre of the egg. This simple step will level up your learning of how to boil an egg. As we mentioned earlier, overcooking a hard-boiled egg can create a green coloured circle around the egg yolk. But an ideal boiled egg will have a sunshine-yellow yolk. To prevent your egg from overcooking, transfer the egg to cold water for an ice bath. The cooking process will stop the moment you will put the egg in the water. Apart from that, an ice bath also helps in peeling the eggshell. After putting in ice-cold water, you can easily peel off the shell without ripping the egg white chunks. You are not yet done with the peeling process. After the ice bath, you have to rap the egg on your kitchen counter gently. Do it on all sides so that the entire shells get broken down into small pieces. Just peel off the shell along with the fractures without ripping out the pieces of egg white. For more, follow our recipe of how to boil eggs step by step.
Q - What is the green circle around my egg yolk?
A - The green yolk is a sign that you are overcooking your eggs. The best hard boil egg is the one that doesn’t smell sulphurous and does not have any green circle around its yolk.
Q - Whenever I boil eggs, one or two of them get cracked while boiling. Are they edible?
A - It is a very common thing to happen. When the egg gets cracked, some interior white and even yolk ooze out of the shell. Since it is well cooked, you can eat this cracked egg without any worry.
Q - What should I do to peel the eggs smoothly?
A - The taste of the egg does not get affected when bits and pieces come off from its shell. It just changes the appearance of the egg. Mostly, it happens with fresh eggs. Older eggs get peeled easily. If you want to peel your fresh eggs smoothly, you can add a teaspoon of baking soda or a teaspoon of vinegar to the water. Take a needle and poke the egg’s bottom before you cook it. Or you can crack the egg from all sides before you put it in ice water.
Q - How can I store a hard-boiled egg for a long time?
A - A hard boil egg can be stored safely in a refrigerator for up to a week. Just ensure that you do not break the shell of the egg before storing it. The shell makes a barrier to stop the cooked white part of the egg from absorbing smells from the fridge. If you have already broken the shell, you can store the egg in an air-tight container. Just wrap the egg with a damp paper towel and refresh the towel regularly. This method will also keep your egg safe for up to a week.
Q - What is the difference between a hard boil egg and a soft boil egg?
A - Before you learn how to boil an egg, you should know the basic difference between a hard boil egg and a soft boil egg. As different types of dishes like Turkish eggs, egg quesadilla, Parsi scrambled eggs, egg pepper fry, etc. require different types of boiled and cooked eggs. A hard boil egg is an egg with a firm white and yolk. The most common use of hard-boiled eggs is for eating as snacks or to make deviled eggs. A soft boiled egg has a firm white but soft yolk. This type of egg is used in making toppings for salads. For mastering this, you should know how much time to boil eggs. After knowing these differences, you will be better able to learn how to make half boiled eggs of fully boiled eggs.
Disclaimer: Nutrition and food safety experts often suggest eating eggs only with firm yolks. This will ensure prevention from bacteria. However, if you need softer egg yolks in your recipe, you can use pasteurized eggs to reduce the risk of any infection.
Q - Should I use cold water or hot water for starting the boil?
A - People who are new to learning how to make boiled eggs often face this question. Some people like to put their eggs in cold water and then bring the water to a boil. Others boil the water first and then put their eggs in the pot. Many experiments have been on this question and the answer came out to be cold water. If you put the egg in cold water, you will find it easier to peel the egg later.
The Takeaway
From children to adults, everyone loves a hard boiled egg. And there is a good reason behind that. Knowing how to boil an egg is the first step towards making a boiled egg sandwich, egg curry, and many other similar dishes. If you don’t want to do that, you can just pick an egg after a perfect hard boil, sprinkle some salt on it and just eat it with delight.
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