Coffee is the go-to beverage for most people when they need something to perk them up. Sleepy mornings wake up with a good dose of caffeine. Coffee boosts up your energy. There are many ways to make coffee drinks starting from plain coffee to elaborate connotations. A coffee smoothie is a great way to have coffee with many health benefits. It is good to start your day with coffee with banana, o ... ats and honey. Healthy Coffee Smoothie Calories provide energy and satiates you for many hours. Healthy Coffee Smoothie Recipe is a good gluten-free drink to substitute breakfast as it has all the necessary nutrients. You can make this Healthy Coffee Smoothie Recipe in many variations. Change the Healthy Coffee Smoothie Ingredients as per your preference to make your smoothie. For a completely vegan smoothie replace cow milk with any non-dairy or plant-based milk. Use decaf- coffee for a decaf smoothie. Don’t like bananas then leave it and add coconut milk and ice cubes. It is a great after-workout drink to replenish nutrition. Just add a spoonful of peanut or almond butter or protein powder for more protein. Your kids will love it as a morning drink with chocolate shavings. Quick to make Healthy Coffee Smoothie Restaurant style is a good breakfast replacement for those busy mornings. Prepare Healthy Coffee Smoothie at Home and carry it as a mid-morning snack to your office. This healthy and tasty smoothie is perfect to give to your kids as an after-school or after-play drink. Add in a bit of vanilla ice-cream, to serve it as a post-dinner dessert.
2 tablespoons
Rolled Oats
1 tablespoon
Bolt Coffee Hot Vivid Vanilla Shot
3 tablespoons
Raw Banana
2 units
Cow Milk
3 cups