Everybody has a sweet tooth. We reach out for candies, confectioneries, biscuits and fruits - but we never seem to get full. The cravings for sugar are constantly lingering and no matter how much we eat, we're never satisfied. But what if we told you that there was a way out? A way where you could satisfy your sweet tooth and feel full at the same time? That's right, the answer is our chocolate oa ... tmeal recipe. Blending the goodness of dark chocolate with delicious oatmeal, you get a breakfast that's not only filling but food for the soul. Our chocolate oatmeal ingredients are as clean as it gets. You don't have to feel guilty about indulging in it when you make it at home. Chocolate oatmeal calories aren't too high either which makes it a perfect staple to weight loss meal plans. If you want to have chocolate every day and lose weight, just try this recipe. It's delicious and you can learn how to make chocolate oatmeal instantly by simply watching our chocolate oatmeal video. Kids seem to love the taste and you can spruce it up a bit by adding chopped berries like strawberries and blueberries on top. If you'd really like to take it up a notch, you can even stir in some creamy peanut butter. That will enhance the flavour and make it even more filling.
Rolled Oats
0.5 cups
1 tablespoon
Dark Chocolate
1 tablespoon
1 unit
Seeds Mix
1 tablespoon
Cow Milk
1.25 cups