If you’re familiar with nut butter, then the cashew butter should be on the top of your “favourites” list. This delicious, ready to go butter is also available in supermarkets around us as well. The cashew butter making process is one of the easiest things and requires no culinary expertise. This smooth, creamy and delicious paste is one of the most popular vegan butter on the market. If you’re ne ... w to the vegan community or just want to shift to healthier eating habits and options, you should definitely give this a try. The cashew butter description is relatively easy to understand and make. Cashew butter can be made at home in just 20-30 minutes. As the recipe has grown over the years, people have added to it and made their own new discoveries with the cashew butter. It is an extraordinarily easy recipe to follow which lands you in the kingdom of great flavours. You can easily substitute heavily salted and processed butter with this incredibly healthy and extremely delicious nut butter. You can even store it in ceramic pots to make the cashew butter restaurant style. This butter is high on the taste quotient and guarantees healthy and happy stomachs for you and your family. Add this butter to your breakfast regime or even serve it on hot toast as an evening snack.
Cashewnut (2 Piece Split)
250 g
1 pinch