Pancakes make for a solid breakfast. Unfortunately, due to the growth of the processed food industry, the ready-made or packaged pancakes you get in stores are loaded with sugar, fillers, and tons of added ingredients. Homemade pancakes are healthy which is why we’ve come up with this delicious banana raisin pancake recipe. Whether you’re getting a sugar craving during the day or want something sw ... eet occasionally, these banana raisin pancakes will give you your fix. We’ve used gluten-free rolled oats for the base which means these are packed with protein and high in fibre. This will leave you feeling fuller for longer and when it comes to dieting, that’s exactly what you want. The key to sticking to your meal plans is by having the foods you enjoy and making them healthier. Our Banana Raisin pancake recipe does exactly that and in case you’re curious – yes, the kids do love it. We use whole eggs and full-fat milk as the main banana raisin pancake ingredients but if you have lactose intolerance, you can substitute with vegan eggs and cashew or peanut milk for zero allergies. Enjoy this recipe and be sure to check out our Banana raisin pancake video for step-by-step instructions on preparing and serving!
0.75 cups
Baking Powder
1 pinch
1 pinch
Slim Milk
2 tablespoons
1.25 tablespoons
Soda Water
0.25 glasss
Black Raisins
10 units
Banana Robusta
0.33 unit
Water Melon
1 small piece
1 small piece
Black Grapes
2 units
Mint W/o Roots
2 leafs
0.33 glasss
1 small piece
Coriander Leaves
2 leafs