
Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight Loss

06 Sessions
Sessions in this pack

Vinyasa - 1

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40 Min

Ashtanga A Surya Namaskara, Virabhadrasana (warrior pose) , Trikonasana (triangle pose), Trikonasana (triangle pose)


Vinyasa - 2

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40 Min

Anjaneyasana (low lunge), Uttana Prishtasana (lizard pose), Vyaghrasana (tiger pose), Paschimottansana (seated forward bend)


Vinyasa - 3

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40 Min

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog), Vakrasana, Anjaneyasana (low lunge), Ashtanga A Surya Namaskara


Power Yoga: Body Balance

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35 Min


Yoga: Power Vinyasa Flow

Locked content

50 Min


Power Yoga: Vinyasa Flow

Locked content

1 Hr

About this pack

The sessions in this pack will consist of Vinyasa Practises in which postures are performed one after the other in a smooth continuous motion. It might seem challenging at first, but please take it at your own pace and allow the body to adapt over a few classes. Vinyasa Yoga builds heat in the body and improves strength and stamina which leads to weight loss, when practiced regularly. These sessions have been created by Lara Saluja, Anil and Anvita.


Improving the Strength of your muscles


Improving endurance


Losing fat and retaining muscle

What to Expect in Yoga for Weight Loss Program?
Weight loss is most often associated with starving and rigorous training to burn off those excess calories. But there are different ways to achieve your goals without a lot of sweat.
Yoga to reduce weight
Yoga to reduce weight is one such option which is a combination of active and calm workout. The yoga poses help to control the mind and body so that it remains active all day. As you become conscious of the mind and body by performing yoga exercises, it can positively impact food intake and habits and promote weight loss. One of the best yoga for weight loss is the vinyasa yoga poses. The meaning of vinyasa in Sanskrit is smooth transitions between exercises. It is a modern yoga style where breathing is given importance along with the asanas. The Vinyasa yoga sessions conducted by Cure.fit will have exercises that build your muscle strength and endurance. These asanas are done quickly one after the other and hence acts as a great cardio workout. That helps in achieving weight loss without too much vigorous activity. The sessions are designed by leading Vinyasa teacher Lara Saluja where the focus is also on relieving stress and increasing balance and stability apart from concentrating on weight loss.