What to Expect from Strength and Conditioning – I
This pack contains six sessions specially designed to introduce you to various strength and conditioning exercises and are of twenty-two minutes each. They have been distributed in such a way that different areas of the body are targeted in each session resulting in overall increase in stamina, strength and endurance. Each session begins with a warm up to get your body started and then the main workout of that session is introduced. The exercises practiced in this set give focus to different body parts equally. The Push ups, Burpee Tuck Jump and superman sweeps work the whole body. The cossack squat and high knees tuck jump are specifically to strengthen the lower body while the single leg plank hold exercises the core. A personal trainer is there to guide you through every exercise in each session and also show you the correct way of performing each exercise so that you can derive the maximum benefit out of it. There is great flexibility when it comes to these sessions as you can perform them each day as per your convenience and even try them out multiple times till you feel you have got it right. Performing an exercise multiple times helps in increasing strength and better posture too.