
8-10 Years

8-10 Years

03 Sessions
Sessions in this pack

Session 1

Locked content

39 Min

Malasana, Navasana (boat pose), Chakrasana , Supta Dandasana


Session 2

Locked content

27 Min

Uttana Pristhasana, Malasana, Halasana (plough pose)


Session 3

Locked content

32 Min

Vrikshasana , Navasana (boat pose), Vajrasana Twist , Setu Bandhasana

About this pack

Guided by Anishka Bagla Join Anishka as she engages children between 8-10 years in the joyful experience of yoga. These sessions are ingrained with techniques that will help increase their concentration levels as well as their memories. They also aid in relieving anxiety. Each session is about half an hour and engages full-body movements. Do pick the session appropriate for your child as per their age. Benefits: - Improve full-body strength - Relaxes body and mind - Improve mobility and flexibility of the entire body - Helps in increasing concentration and focus Each session is about half an hour, Do pick the session appropriate for your child as per their age.


Improving full body strength


Relaxing Body


Improving mobility and flexibility of the Entire Body

What to Expect from Yoga for Children 8-10 years
The children at this age group love to take up challenges and show how well they can manage the situation better than their peer group. Yoga and meditation for children should help them identify the 5 basic elements- earth, water, air, fire, and space through the yoga postures. Make sure to appreciate them for their achievements and show them how amazing it feels when they are successful in their yoga practice to boost their confidence level. · Yoga not only helps to improve body strength, mobility, and flexibility but practicing yoga for 8 year olds regularly will improve memory and concentration in their classrooms. Besides that, they will learn breathing techniques through which they can reduce stress and anxiety. It helps to calm down their emotions, encourages loving themselves, and teaches about self-care. It also helps them to manage body weight. · Students can benefit from yoga poses like Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Hero Pose (Virasana), Surya namaskar (sun salutations), Brahmari Pranayam (Bee breathing), and Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana) as these will help them concentrate and study well so that their performance can be improved. Other simple yoga poses for children include Bridge Pose ( Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Tree Pose (Vrksasana), Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), Frog pose (Mandukasana), and Corpse Pose (Savasana). All these poses help them to improve their physical, psychological, and mental health.
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